Abductions are Real & How to Stop Them

This is taken from my notes October 2015 – memories were just beginning to surface.

I was still struggling with the barriers. I have since learned that once the alters integrate? The memories solidify. When the memories first come up, it is sorta like remembering a movie that you saw – you remember the story, but it isn’t yours. When the alter integrates? I own it. It is now my own memory.

Anyway . . .

My (genetic) father, (before retirement) was a military contractor, deeply involved in the Secret Space Program – particularly in the area of electromagnetics, microwaves, stealth technologies. He is also a high-level occultist and a generational freemason and member of the (old family) Illuminati.

I remember at times going with my father to various military bases – not too unusual for a little girl to ride with her father on a Saturday morning, right? UNTIL “they,” came and got me. Starting from the time I was an infant, they snatched me out of my bed, my back yard, off the job, out of my car, shopping, camping, vacations . . . .even nursing my babies – you name it – they took me from it. In fact, I have been abducted literally thousands of times – sometimes gone for years, but put back in almost the same moment – leaving me dissociated, and have a very bad case of CSR (can’t remember s**t) – missing time, other times?

They leave you sick as a dog. That’s when you know they’ve done some serious biohacking.

I have been abducted by both military (MiLab) and off-planet (IDE)

I have been used at Montauk time travel and remote viewing as well. I was used extensively in Las Vegas in Project Looking Glass. I recently got another memory of them sending a ship through a portal – but that is about all that I got for now.

I have been taken to several underground bases in America, Pine Gap in Australia, and even Antartica. I have been all over this world – and others as well such as Mars, the Moon, Ceres and inter-dimensional locations in other galaxies.

I have had dreams of having a family around Pine Gap somewhere, have had several dreams of owning a house and throwing birthday parties in my backyard with a husband and four children. Furthermore, I have been contacted by the Defence Health and IPrimus sending me 2014 tax statements from the military. I have never been to Australia. I have never been in the Military. Yet – when I googled the address on the statements – boom. This is exactly the place that I had seen in my dreams.

I have been taken in both the astral and the physical. Also – in the physical, they have transported me to locations in all manner of transport devices.

I have also been rescued by the Holy Military of the Most High God – El Elyon. He can and does intervene if you ask Him. While this is incredible? This pisses the enemy off – they do come back with a vengeance – but the Lord delivers us from it all.

I can tell you exactly what many of these places look like. I can’t tell you how I know this, or even how I got there – but I know my way around them.

In every location, and I MEAN EVERY ONE OF THEM – underground, above ground, under the sea & off planet?

Are creatures of every kind.

There are giants yes – but the ones you really have to be careful of are the ones that look like people but are NOT people. Furthermore, there are creatures that are so tiny, you can’t even see them – by the time you do?

They have set up another kind of underground base – under your skin.

I have been extensively implanted. Everything from chips, clips, wires, biotech and even an atomic level species – aka “nano-terrestrials.” I will do an entire blog on this in the future. For now – if you want to see what these look like – go to my blog named “War” Scroll down – there are lots of images of these little monsters.


I have been used for cloning. They have stolen pregnancies, and also genetic materials. Only the Lord knows what they did with my ovum – I am sure I don’t want to know. I have asked the Lord to have mercy and deal with it – cuz I can’t.

My beloved late husband was used extensively in these programs as well. So was my son. I will get into that more in a future blog. They were used in a project called the M.A.R.S agenda – Master Aryan Reconnaissance System. This project was a downstream from Operation Stargate in order to identify the “Aryan” genome and then create (through the use of biotech) the Super Solider.

The truth about Operation Stargate – was about creating portals to bring in fallen beings to inhabit biologically compatible host bodies. Cloning is a part of this. Cern is a part of this. Chemtrails are a part of this. The implant agenda is part of this.

I remember my father taking me to Washington DC when I was 8 years old. This was to meet Lyndon Johnson – there were others there as well – Rumsfeld, Cheney and other brass asshats.

I do not remember much of this visit, except it was at the Pentagon.

Michael Aquino . . .this one kills babies, is big on body fluids, adrenochrome and is basically a puppet of nazi occultism – and just like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld- this one also has strong ties to my father.

These crimes deserve the righteous justice of the Lord!

I have learned that you can stop abductions – but you have to be aware that it is happening.

They will use screen memories, load you up with denial, pride and whatever device they think will work to keep you ignorant and under their control.

Father, please help us to be aware of every scheme of the enemy, in Jesus Name.

For YEARS – I was under a deep deception that “aliens” were only in movies and that the devil could not touch me! Nothing can be further from the truth. I mean – did the devil leave Jesus alone when he walked the Earth?

If you are a child of God – you are a target for the enemy. He is highly motivated to get you away from your Abba. Think of it this way – the devil is a pirate – and you are the Hope Diamond.

Even with all the targeting, the gang stalking, trauma that had been going on for YEARS? I never connected the dots. If anything, I blamed myself.

Prayers to stop Alien Abductions.

Most important – keep it simple. You want to have something ready because you will not be able to go through long drawn out prayers – you want something fast, strong and efficient at kicking their nasty, stinking, slimy butts back to hell where they came from.

Before you go to bed – simply as the Lord to guard you against any attack. Ask Him to wake you! Remind the Lord of the scriptures where he has promised protection.

Again – Keep it simple.

During an abduction – SCREAM JESUS (if you can), or if you can’t move or open your mouth? SCREAM JESUS HELP ME!! As LOUD as you can in your head.

Jesus hears you – and so do your attackers. They can hear you just fine – they speak, hear and command telepathically.

I have used this method to stop abductions, and I can tell you for a fact it works!

Here is an example of prayer – as you are being hiked out the window.

Or? You are being choked to death.

Or? You are paralyzed and can’t move. So – below, find the prayers you need.

Speak it loud and strong – either verbally or in your head –






When they drop you – or take their filthy claws off your neck?


I know it sounds too simple, right? Simple is good – it is not your eloquence that drives them out, it is the NAME of Jesus. Furthermore, you do NOT have time to think of anything but getting them off of you.

The name of Jesus – is MIGHTY and powerful to pulling down the strongholds of the enemy.

It works.

Until next time – have a great week – Shalom!


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